Martha Clark

Crocker Principal Adam Renda is now the new Principal at Reingold.

Crocker Principal Adam Renda is now the new Principal at Reingold. Vice-Principal Casey Beaulac is the new Principal at Crocker Elementary. Effective today.

For more information on the transition of Principals within Crocker Elementary School, Reingold and Memorial... I have reached out to now Vice-Principal Clark & have her permission to post her letter, and copying Principal Renda and Principal Beaulac's letters here for clarity.
📣Crocker Principal Adam Renda is now the new Principal at Reingold. 📣Vice-Principal Casey Beaulac is the new Principal at Crocker Elementary. 📣Reingold Principal Martha Clark has moved into a new position as a Vice Principal at Memorial Middle School. Effective today.

Reingold School PTO Crocker Elementary School PTO Memorial Middle School