$2M loan order for 'repairs to school buildings'

At tonight's City Council Meeting, we will be voting on a $2M loan order for 'repairs to school buildings'. With the conditions of Longsjo coming to the forefront of discussions in November 2017, a study was just completed a few weeks ago in January that outlines an estimate for the Longsjo roof repair & replacement.
In the details, it notes in a separate letter from FPS that the plan is for the Longsjo Roof replacement and repairs, where they plan to Replace the Original Slate Roof with Asphalt Shingles, Replace the gutters and Repair the cupola. Total estimated cost per report is $1.3M. 
It's also recommended in the roof report they replace the EPDM (Rubber) roofs (not noted in School Department Letter) adding that to the total cost is $1.67M 🏫