Mass Municipal

MMA Legislative Breakfast in Fitchburg

Thank you to the Massachusetts Municipal Association for holding your Legislative Breakfast at Fitchburg State University on this beautiful Fall Friday morning! πŸ‚πŸ
Great to represent Fitchburg as always and hear about what is happening at the State level with the MMA that affects the city of Fitchburg. Nice to see our Mayor, Representative, Procurement Officer and our DPW Commissioner attend as well.
🏫 We went over pending bills that will affect Fitchburg such as the Student Opportunity Act--which they anticipate to pass-- that will increase our school funding and benefit Fitchburg as a community with higher Special Needs students, English as a Second Language Learners and low-income population students. The MMA recommended to contact Senator Dean A. Tran for his take on exactly how that will affect us---as we will get more money for education, but this also will affect our Net School Spending requirements (we'll likely have to contribute more).
🌱 We discussed update to the Marijuana allowances for Community host Agreements---and how they may have to change.
πŸš—Thanks to surplus revenue we are getting another increase of 20% in Chapter 90 Road funding (from $200M to $240M), same increase as last year--- but the MMA stressed how this is still woefully inadequate---as we know very well in Fitchburg.
Many other important updates at the State level that will directly affect us legislators in Fitchburg... if you have any questions let me know.... I'm always grateful to have these opportunities to represent our people and their concerns.