VisionZero, State House Visit with Senator Tran, MABPAB Meeting

I had a long awesome day at the Mass Statehouse today... as I'm on the MA State Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Board, I took the train from Fitchburg to Boston early this morning to join the day of action for #VisionZero with presentation by Governor Charlie Baker on the 'Act to Improve Safety on the Roads of the Commonwealth' which includes requiring hands free cell use, truck guards, DUI ignition interlocks, ability of police to pull you over for no seatbeat...etc
Pedestrian, Bike and Road Safety Advocates from MassBike, WalkBoston, Text Less Live More, Safe Roads Alliance, MassDOT & more were discussing the bill and more bills with Senators and Reps I went and saw my favorite Senator Dean A. Tran 😁

After the #VisionZero presentation, I stopped in to see my favorite Senator Dean A. Tran at his fancy State House Office (with a great view of the gold dome!) and we took the VIP tour 😎
I got to hold the Senate President Gavel, sat in Dean's Senate Seat (lucky #7), got to visit the State Representative Chambers, visit the front balcony between the Senate and Governor Charlie Baker's office, and the dome with Gardner City Councilor Boudreau to top it all off!!

After my meeting with Senator Tran and tour of the Statehouse… I attended mu Meeting of the Massachusetts Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Board at the MassDOT Transportation Building…discussing MassDOT implementation and strategy of the Bicycle Plan and Pedestrian plan for improving alternate modes of transportation throughout the Commonwealth…..and they spelled my name right this time =D

Officially sworn into the Massachusetts Bike & Pedestrian Advisory Board #MABPAB

Officially sworn into the Massachusetts Bike & Pedestrian Advisory Board #MABPAB today in Boston at MassDOT. Happy to serve #Fitchburg and #NorthCentralMass to implement the Bike and Ped plan with $60M in Capital Plan dedicated to Bike and Ped infrastructure improvements in addition to Complete Streets. 🌳🚴‍♀️🌳🚗🚕🌳🚶‍♀️
Crosswalk improvements, sidewalks, ADA access, safer bicycling-- improving access to walking and biking as safe ways to move around in our communities.

MassDOT Moving Together Conference

Took the trip into Boston Thursday for the MassDOT Moving Together Conference representing Fitchburg!
There are all kinds of programs, grants and opportunities form the State that Fitchburg can (and in some cases 'is') capitalizing on....I attended the discussions on the Statewide Pedestrian Plan and Municipal Guide for Walkability, Unlocking Economic Development through Transit-----the MassTrails Official launch discussion and on the NEW statewide Bicycle plan and Municipal resource guide.
Promoted Fitchburg a bunch...learned more about State Resources we can capitalize on...preparing more for my added new role on the Mass State Bike and Pedestrian Board